List of countries with their regions and country codes:
There are 195 recognized sovereign states in the world. However, this number can vary depending on how one defines a sovereign state, and there are also several territories and regions that are not recognized as independent countries. Country Region Country Code Afghanistan South Asia +93 Albania Europe +355 Algeria Africa +213 Andorra Europe +376 Angola Africa +244 Antigua and Barbuda Caribbean +1-268 Argentina South America +54 Armenia Europe and Asia +374 Australia Oceania +61 Austria Europe +43 Azerbaijan Europe and Asia +994 Bahamas Caribbean +1-242 Bahrain Middle East +973 Bangladesh South Asia +880 Barbados Caribbean +1-246 Belarus Europe +375 Belgium Europe +32 Belize Central America +501 Benin Africa +229 Bhutan South Asia +975 Bolivia South America +591 Bosnia and Herzegovina Europe +387 Botswana Africa +267 Brazil South America +55 Brunei Southeast Asia +673 Bulgaria Europe +359 Burkina Faso Africa +226 Burundi Africa +257 Cabo Verde Africa +238 Cambodia Southeast Asia +855 ...